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The Governing Board of the Del Mar Union School District encourages the enrollment and appropriate placement of all school-aged children in school. The Superintendent or designee shall inform parents/guardians of students entering a district school at any grade level about admission requirements and shall assist them with enrollment procedures.
The superintendent or designee shall verify the student's age, residency, and any other admission criteria specified in law and in Board policies and administrative regulations. All resident students who are enrolling either in the school in their attendance area or in another district school shall be subject to the timelines established by the Board in BP/AR 5116.1 - Intradistrict Open Enrollment. Nonresident students may apply for interdistrict attendance in accordance with the timelines specified in applicable Board policies and administrative regulations.
Age of Admission
Proof of age shall be required of all enrolling students. The legal evidences of age, in order of desirability, are a certified copy of a birth certificate, baptism certificate, passport, immigration certificate, or affidavit from the parent or guardian.
Entrance Age Requirements
A child shall be admitted to a kindergarten maintained by the school district at the beginning of a school year, or at a later time in the same year if the child will have his/her fifth birthday on or before September 1 of the current school year and each year thereafter. Early entrance to kindergarten is not permitted.
First Grade
A child shall be admitted to a first grade maintained by the school district if the child will have his/her sixth birthday on or before September 1 of the current school year and each year thereafter.
A child who has completed a year of kindergarten maintained by a private or public school shall be admitted to first grade unless the parents and the school district agree that the child may continue in kindergarten for not more than an additional school year. (Education Code 48011)
Grades 1 – 6
When a child has been legally enrolled in the public schools of another district within or out of state, he/she may be enrolled in school and placed in the grade attained in the former school. The parent/guardian should be advised that the principal may adjust grade placement at a later date if conditions warrant. When adjustments are necessary, the parent/guardian is informed and a parent conference may be arranged by the principal.
A child who has been lawfully admitted to kindergarten may be placed in the first grade at the discretion of the Superintendent’s designee if the child is ready for first grade work.
Procedure for Early Entrance to First Grade
The Superintendent’s designee shall investigate a proposed placement in first grade to ensure that the following State Board of Education criteria, pursuant to Title 5, Section 200:
1. The child is at least five years of age.
2. The child has attended a public school kindergarten for a long enough time to enable school personnel to evaluate the child’s ability.
3. The child is in the upper 5 percent of the child’s age group in terms of general mental ability.
4. The physical development and social maturity of the child are consistent with the child’s advanced mental ability.
5. The parent or guardian has filed a written statement with the district that approves placement in first grade.
Appeal Procedure
The parent(s) or guardian(s) has the right to appeal the decision to the District Superintendent. The appeal must be filed in the Superintendent’s office within fifteen (15) calendar days after receiving notification of disapproval. Within ten (10) days of receipt of the appeal, a meeting with the Superintendent and parent(s) will be held. Superintendent will make the final decision within five (5) days.
Board Policy/Administrative Regulation 5111 Approved by the Board of Trustees: January 21, 2015