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YouTube in the Classroom
Why YouTube?
Why YouTube?
YouTube is one of the most widely used search engines in the world today. People use YouTube to teach themselves everything from how to learn guitar to how to french braid their daughter's hair to how to speak a foreign language or change a faucet in your sink. This wide-spanning, highly engaging tool is used both by teachers and students to support learning in schools across the country.
Below are some data findings from the national Speak Up Survey, as well as videos and articles that explain the rationale for using YouTube as an instrcutional learning tool in the classroom.
SpeakUP Data
SpeakUP Data
The Speak Up Survey is an annual survey of K-12 students, educators, and parents that looks at students use of technology, trends in learning, schools of the future, science, math, professional development, and career development. For more information, please visit their website by clicking here.
National Speak Up Survey - "Ten Things Everyone Should Know about K-12 Students' Learning"

Speak Up 2015 Results specific to Del Mar

Videos and Articles
Videos and Articles
- Click here to view a YouTube video with students and staff explaining why YouTube and video is important to learning.
- Click here for a blog post from George Couros on titled "On the Real World."
- Click here for a blog post from George Couros on titled "Two Things that all Parents want for their Children."
- Click here for an article from KQED's Mindshift column titled "Five Reasons YouTube Rocks the Classroom."
- Click here for an article from dailygenius.com titled "How (and why) you should use YouTube in the classroom" that includes an infographic on how teachers are using YouTube in the classroom.
- Click here to view recommendations for Parents from CommonSense Media.